Why is my lazy coworker making the same as I am?

Dear Evil HR Lady,

I’m responsible for a regional project (Project A) for one of our clients. There is another coordinator in charge of another project (Project B) for the same client. We both started out having basically the same amount of work and scope of responsibilities but our client decided to move most of Project B to another country while Project A increased. Our company took the challenge but never removed or re-assigned the other coordinator.

Without playing hardball, I have demonstrated to my bosses and the company that I can handle my bigger Project A and what’s left of Project B and that the other coordinator (who has only two people on his team) basically is not necessary. My manager told me there is nothing he can do because that’s the way the upper management settled the structure and besides, removing the other coordinator, could lead to legal issues. He (and the company and HR) knows that there shouldn’t be two coordinators because of this situation and also because the operation is too small to have both of us. Now I have the entire site respecting me as a coordinator while the other person has seen his responsibilities reduced about 80 percent of what he was originally promoted to take care of as a result of our client moving most of Project B to another country.

The person is treated equally and makes almost the same money I make with a lot less time on the job.

Please help.

To read the answer click here: Why is my lazy coworker making the same as I am?

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3 thoughts on “Why is my lazy coworker making the same as I am?

  1. If you are overloaded and the company is failing to see that (which sometimes can happen… “YESmen/women” often seem willing to take on what comes their way and they can become overwhelmed with the workload but are afraid to say NO), then approach them and say “With my increased workload and responsibilities- give examples – I am feeling stretched a bit thin and I’m wondering if there is a way to take some of Project A or the remainder of Project B and hand it to Coordinator2 and his team. This would help my team out greatly because ___________, and it would keep C2’s team busy as well and make the workloads more balanced.”

    If you are handling the increased workload just fine then I don’t see how it is your business what job the other coordinator doing. If you are making it personal and becoming resentful then it will only effect your own work in the long run. You don’t know what the company has in store for him or his team, and perhaps, when Project C comes along, their intention is to have his team take it on and your team could end up with a lighter workload/less hours when Project A & B finish.

    I’m sure that your increased workload and the job you are doing to handle it IS getting noticed. If you appear competent then management willnot assume otherwise. If you are overwhelmed, they will only know if you say so. If you think you deserve more pay for the extra workload you have taken on, then you can speak up about that too. However, I would warn you that managers don’t always like to hear it in the middle of a project. It makes them nervous that you may abandon the project part way through. They don’t care for threats or ultimatums either. I personally would do the best job I could with what I had (presuming that it is a workload that is managable) and when Project D comes around, show all that I did to get A&B accomplished, on-time, and beyond expectations, and then bring forward a request for a fair increase.

  2. Your last sentence says it all:

    “But stop focusing on this other guy. Just let that all go, and focus on doing your job well.”

    While it doesn’t exactly qualify for the 9 Minutes on Monday Giveaway I would like to suggest that it is among the best advice to give everyone.

    Hey politicians! Are you listening! (seriously, we need to get some of those folks to read your advice here)

  3. i wouldn’t focus on the lazy dude. management will reap what they have sown when you book for another position soon enough and they’re left with the putz. focus on doing a great job in your current position and keep your prospects open for another amazing opportunity. frankly everywhere i’ve ever worked there has been a lazy butt making too much for whatever reason. unless you’re in charge of the company focus on your career and your employer. it definitely works out… trustttttt me!

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