Wait, Who’s the Boss Here? You’d be Surprised

You’re the boss. You set the rules. Your employees are dependent upon you. You are the one taking the financial risk in running this business. Therefore, you can do and say what you want, and make whatever rules you want. Cancer is not an excuse.

You just read that right. Employees at a Rochester, New York store got fed up with a district manager and closed the store in the middle of the day, leaving a nasty note proclaiming the manager’s faults. The sign reads:

To keep reading, click here: Wait, Who’s the Boss Here? You’d be Surprised

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One thought on “Wait, Who’s the Boss Here? You’d be Surprised

  1. I don’t think that a true leader earns his/her followers by keeping them in fear of losing their position or ego-tripping by means of humiliating and suppressing them. Leaders should be respected, not feared. True leaders are able to lead people after them by inspiring and motivating them, and the results they achieve together are long-lasting, whilst tyrannical leaders are always in precarious position.

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