Data or Intuition: When Should HR Rely on the Numbers?

Do you operate on gut feelings a lot? You know, when you interview someone for a job and within an instant you know this person is right—or wrong—for the job? What about when you’re making a big decision about a reorganization, or implementing perks that you just know employees will love?

Many HR professionals make all kinds of decisions without looking at the numbers—sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t. But the flip side is also true: Sometimes you look at the numbers, make your decision accordingly and things go poorly.

So, how do you know when it makes sense to use data and when to trust your gut?

To keep reading, click here: Data or Intuition: When Should HR Rely on the Numbers

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One thought on “Data or Intuition: When Should HR Rely on the Numbers?

  1. You make some good points. But, something to keep in mind about surveys – if there is any reason whatsoever for people who fill out the surveys to think that their answers could come back to haunt them, your data is garbage.

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