A Basic Primer for Job Hunting from Ellen, Sheldon, Micheal Scott, and Robin Williams

There are some basics of job hunting that we can all use. A local high school asked me to teach their 11th and 12th graders how to tackle their first job hunt. In order to keep it from being boring, I turned to that source of teen joy: YouTube. Turns out everything you need to know about job hunting can be summed up in a few videos.

Your Whole Life Will Be Judged

While I caution hiring managers and recruiters to stay away from job candidate’s social media sites, I know full well that many of them will look there. And while some of these embarrassing photos have cute stories behind them, the recruiter doesn’t get the whole story. She doesn’t know your friends. She doesn’t know if your comment is serious or sarcastic. So, keep your pages locked down tight and if your friends tag you in something embarrassing, untag yourself, ASAP.

To keep reading, and see the other videos click here: A Basic Primer for Job Hunting from Ellen, Sheldon, Micheal Scott, and Robin Williams

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