Would you get a divorce in order to telecommute?

Apparently 5 percent of people would choose telecommuting over their spouse. To see what other things people would give up, click here: Would you get a divorce in order to telecommute?

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One thought on “Would you get a divorce in order to telecommute?

  1. Nope, I wouldn’t give up my spouse (assuming I had one) to telecommute.

    One thing I’m trying to do while I’m unemployed is cultivate superior time management skills so I can do the following:
    A. Get more done while I’m actually at home.
    B. Not slack so much that it’s harder to adjust when I go back to work.
    C. Be able to make a case for telecommuting in the future if I find a job that will allow it.

    I’ve started a Spanish course to improve my employability, have a ton of old files to go through and shred, and I am starting another blog for employers to see. I’m busier now than I was at my old job. I wish I could do this all the time, but it doesn’t pay anything. 😛

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