In the United States, we had a huge garbage can and the garbage truck came around twice a week. They would take anything we put in that can, and if we had more than would fit (like when we put in new carpet and had the old carpet
In the United States, we had a huge garbage can and the garbage truck came around twice a week. They would take anything we put in that can, and if we had more than would fit (like when we put in new carpet and had the old carpet
Would you hire an employee that demanded a salary higher than your CEO’s salary? What if that was 70 percent more? Smartsheet did just that, when it poached Gene Farrell from Amazon, had to fight a legal battle over a non-compete to do that, and now pays him $2.7 million,
A French waiter, working in Canada was fired for being “aggressive, rude and disrespectful.” That sounds like a great reason to fire a waiter. But Guillaume Rey filed a complaint saying that he was really fired for being French, and that’s just how French people are. He doesn’t claim that he
Other people discriminate on the basis or age, sex, national origin, or even silly things such as what university they attended or whether they ask for soda or pop. You don’t. You always look for the best candidate, and that’s that. Well, it’s not. You suffer from unconscious bias, and
You’ve probably heard about the best employee perks the big Silicon Valley players offer—free gourmet lunches, on-site massages and huge common areas stocked with the latest video games—and may have thought smaller businesses can’t compete. Truth be told, most small organizations probably can’t. Let’s just be upfront about
There is often a tenuous relationship between recruiters and job seekers, which is funny because they need each other to be successful. But, they drive each other nuts and that came out to be blatantly obvious when a recruiter posted his pet-peeves about candidates and the candidates responded. Ciaran
Part of the training process is explaining what not to do. If you say, “Don’t do X,” people may tune it out. But if you say, “John did X and then the furnace blew up!”—well, people tend to remember that. It’s easy to come up with stories that
Did you start your career at McDonald’s? Chances are more than a few of you did, and those that didn’t may have worked for another business that operated on the franchise model. How the franchise model works is that a person or group buys the rights to open a restaurant
I had the envied opportunity to see Hamilton in London this weekend, and while the play itself was a masterpiece, I couldn’t get out of Evil HR Lady mode. So many management lessons stood out to me, so I just had to share. Your ensemble makes or breaks you. I had no doubt
If you work for a hot startup or a Fortune 100 company, recruiting is no big deal. If you work for the former, applications probably flood your website. Plus, you’ve got the budget to splurge on specialized headhunters to find the exact match for each role. If you