Keynote Speaking


If you’re looking for a keynote speaker or a workshop facilitator, hire Suzanne Lucas. She brings in a customized message for your group, which meets the challenges you face today. Here’s what others are saying:

Brasov, Romania, May 2023

Suzanne is fabulous! Truly captivating, fun, and energizing Key Note Speaker. She manages to combine, in a fantastic way, humor, and entertainment with leadership, human resources, and well-being at work.  The audience asked to see her again, so we will invite her to the next editions of Everything HR conferences.

Laura Dragne, Director of Communications and Public Relations, Great People Inside

CBIA November 2023, Hartford, Connecticut

“Suzanne is a master storyteller. Engaging, knowledgeable, and assured on stage. She is the perfect person to educate the audience to do the people side of business better!”

Katrina Collier, Author of The Robot-Proof Recruiter, Facilitator & Speaker


Warsaw, Poland July 2023

“Suzanne is one of the most engaging and knowledgeable speakers on the subject of Human Resources in today’s world.”

Brenda Neckvatal, Entrepreneuer-HR Professional-CEO



HR Days, Rovinj, Croatia, September 2023


That was a hell of a presentation!

Lukasz Biedulski, Market Vice President at Strategic Staffing Solutions

To get in contact with Suzanne, send her an email at or message her on LinkedIn.

Basel, Switzerland July 2024
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