Everyone knows you need a mentor to help you succeed in business, right? Especially if you’re a woman–you need someone in the know (preferably a senior executive) who can help you get there. Well, a recent study published at BCG, written by an all women team of Marjolein Cuellar, Andrea Ostby, Kate Protextor, Katie Abouzahr and Nicole Bennett, found a few surprising things when they studied ways to help women succeed in the workplace, including things that don’t help.
Mentoring Isn’t Helping
In a mentoring program, generally junior level women are matched up with a senior level person who can help coach the junior person through the business and give her support that will help her climb the ladder to the top. In reality, Cuellar et. al. found that
To keep reading, click here: Mentoring and 3 Other Things That Don’t Help Women Break the Glass Ceiling
Respectfully, because people talk a big game but few, very few, ever really execute or give what is needed to make it work.
They give what they want, not what it needs…the Human Condition..simple really
All well and good, EHRL, but what would be especially interesting is to know what does work along with some suggestions for putting those actions into play.