Why a Little Pessimism Can Benefit You as an HR Manager

Seeing the silver lining can make your life easier in many ways. However, there are benefits of pessimism in the workplace. As an HR manager, having a little pessimism can go a long way in preventing workplace problems from getting out of hand.

No, you shouldn’t be purposefully negative at work. But, a substantial part of any HR manager’s job is to reduce a company’s risk of lawsuits, government fines and excessive turnover. You’ll be more successful in these areas if you anticipate how things can go wrong, rather than assuming they will always go right.

Take a look at two scenarios where a little pessimism leads to a more positive outcome.

The Sexual Harassment Complaint

Consider what an optimist and a pessimist would say if a female employee, Jane, came in and said, “Bob told me my dress was nice. That’s sexual harassment!”

To keep reading, click here: Why a Little Pessimism Can Benefit You as an HR Manager

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