How to Build a Diverse Workforce

What does diversity mean, exactly? What makes a workplace diverse? We use this word so often as a synonym for racial diversity that we forget there are all types of diversity.

According to Merriam-Webster, diversity simply means “an instance of being composed of differing elements or qualities.” Therefore, every workplace that employs two or more people is a diverse workforce simply because no two people are alike. But some groups of people are more similar than others. And your clientele is likely to represent people from many different backgrounds.

It’s important to know how to build a diverse workplace and implement strong diversity and inclusion policies so employees feel valued, protected and supported. Here are some questions to consider when looking to diversify your company’s workforce.

What Makes a Diverse Workforce?

If your office employs individuals from a number of different ethnicities, but everyone graduated from the same university, attends the same church, has the same marital status and binges the same shows on Netflix, you’re not really part of a diverse workforce.

To keep reading, click here: How to Build a Diverse Workforce

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6 thoughts on “How to Build a Diverse Workforce

  1. Homogeneity or diversity are bad goals, along with any measure other than performance. Such policies leave each employee wondering if he will be passed over for advancement because of superficial qualities.

    If you want higher productivity, salaries, and profit, forget about intentional diversity.

    1. Actually, organizations that intentionally seek to diversify increase — not decrease — their productivity.

  2. Be careful and have a solid personnel handbook for everyone to get and sign for it. Ask me and I can provide some guidance. Did HR internationally for six years.

  3. I’m surprised you didn’t mention disability.

    I imagine you didn’t intend to deliberately leave it out, but it’s always harder for people with disabilities to get jobs and be treated as equals, even if they’re consistently performing at a high level.

  4. I get the impression that diversity, as talked about in this article, is being done based on a need demanded by law and or current political thinking. All fine and well as long as the workplace job performance requirements are expected for all. It really doesn’t matter what the personal culture is outside the workplace as long as the job gets done. A company/business expects a team effort, not a cultural experience.

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