Only one week until our next fabulous HR Carnival. Send your submissions to evilhrlady at hotmail dot com!
Only one week until our next fabulous HR Carnival. Send your submissions to evilhrlady at hotmail dot com!
You go to carnivals at night, right? So, it’s acceptable that I’m not posting this until 8:00 at night. Don’t say otherwise or I won’t host another carnival for two weeks. Or say otherwise and I won’t host another carnival for two weeks. Next carnival is Wednesday, March
Hey, you HR Types, remember, in one week our 2nd Carnival of Human Resources will be occurring! This is a great way to spread the news about the wonderful world of HR and get yourself some hits. Submit your favorite post to evilhrlady at hotmail dot com and
Welcome to the first Carnival of Human Resources! Many people have submitted fabulous posts about this lovely world of HR. The next Carnival will be in two weeks (March 7), so please submit your posts by March 6, and you can join the carnival. Submissions can be sent
The Carnival of the Insantities is up at Dr. Sanity’s place. My favorite for this week is a link to this Saturday Night Live Commercial that reminds you how to manage debt.