I am not in this situation but a friend of mine is. She works for a company as an outside sales executive. She obviously is exempt from overtime. When she took the job, she was told that her sales area would be in the city she lives while
I am not in this situation but a friend of mine is. She works for a company as an outside sales executive. She obviously is exempt from overtime. When she took the job, she was told that her sales area would be in the city she lives while
I work for a woman-owned trucking company. Boss Lady has a husband that is always present, but he is not officially on any paperwork as he collects disability. This husband has verbally assaulted a particular driver on two occasions in the past week. As in yelling and chasing
I have a question which hopefully you can answer this before I make a mistake and argue my point. I work as a paramedic which I work on an ambulance and with a partner. We just received a memo stating if for any reason our partner didn’t show up
I read your blog (obviously) and I would love to get your opinion on something that happens in the department in which I work – ironically Human Resources. There are 9 people in our HR department and I am the secretary. Our Assistant Director (female many years older
I have two high-achieving women that give my errors to management when they see them. I know because they receive a call on what I’m working on and then I see supervisors looking at that case just no notes. I take the time to learn my job and become
From 2012 to 2015 I worked in a hotel doing almost everything back of the house. I was fired in 2015 right before Christmas for basically trying to take money. Times were very hard (although I know that’s not an excuse) at the time I was the only
HR sent me a letter of congratulations for my promotion along with my new salary and job description in an intra-office envelope. The kind that is “closed” by a flimsy little string and re-used again and again. Are you getting the picture? Intraoffice. Addressed to me. That’s it.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard about United Airline’s decision to force a paying customer off a flight. The passenger refused to go, was dragged off by police, other people filmed the event and United lost hundreds of millions of dollars in value. This is a
This week my 8 year old went to a sleepover. With 27 other children. In the school library. I admit I’m kind of jealous. It was Lesenacht–Reading Night. The kids brought their sleeping bags, pillows and a bag full of books. Oh, they also brought flashlights and the
Fasnacht is the German/Swiss equivalent of Mardi Gras. It’s supposed to be a big party before Lent begins. However, Basel has their Fasnacht the week after Ash Wednesday. And what a party it is. 3 full days and by full days I mean full days. It begins with Morgenstreich at 4:00