Why your boss may be mad with power

Have you ever known a perfectly nice person who turned into a monster when they got that promotion to manager? Turns out there may be a good explanation for that.

To find out what click here: Why your boss may be mad with power

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5 thoughts on “Why your boss may be mad with power

  1. Bleah! I’ve seen this before. Someone I worked with got a promotion, but he didn’t morph into a draconian, hammer-wielding micro-manager. Instead, he changed from a really nice, helpful, hardworking guy that everyone liked into a self-important toady who strutted smugly around in his spiffy office clothes and was so busy with meetings and other manager stuff that you could not even get a question answered. He would not take phone calls either; I guess he considered that beneath him. The sucking up was so loud I’m sure the Mars Curiosity Rover could hear it. 😛

  2. Good aricle; I think this is sooo spot on – “People have a hard time distinguishing between bad and different.”

    As a trainer, I see this ALL the time.

    It gets real funny when I train someone on a new process or new software and then there is an upgrade just a few months later; and what do they say? But, this new way isn’t as good as “our” way of doing it. Funny, “their” way of doing it is the new way what they gripped about last year when we did an upgrade then.

    Of course, this “different is bad” thinking is even more pronounced when it is a manager with this flaw as it affects so many more people.

  3. Too bad I can’t forward this to my supervisor. It perfectly describes her and how she has become in the past year.

  4. My Manager at my old job gave me advice when I got the Coordinator position (with an average of 15 direct reports answering to me). He told me that if I was going to expect them to clean toilets every now and then, I’d have to show them that I was willing to do it myself as well. So for 10 years I did my job this way – and still do – and was always helping out my staff and would always get their support and help 110% in return.

    My assistant, that was hired on about 1 1/2 years before I left, would always make comments at me how I was doing my job wrong… Directors DIRECT others, Coordinators COORDINATE others, Supervisors SUPERVISE others… they do this so they do not have to do the jobs themselves! So when I left (when management changed hands and the new Manager did not have the same philosophy as the first and I could not, in good faith, work for her) the assistant took my Coordinator position.

    She continued with HER idea of what a Coordinator should be and she lost most of the good staff. She now has THREE direct reports. The new manager’s staff has also cut in half. I guess the philosophy of ‘getting everyone else to do it for you’ backfired & they have to do ALOT by themselves now. Bet those toilets are getting mighty dirty:)

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