LinkedIn’s Best Jobs for 2017

Wouldn’t you like a job that has potential? Where you can earn great money and have the promise of promotion in years to come? LinkedIn crunched their data and came up with the Most Promising Jobs of 2017.

LinkedIn looked at their member data to not only find the jobs that are likely to lead career growth but found the skills you’d need to be successful in each one. So, they’ll tell you not only which jobs are best, but what you need to do to get one of these jobs.

Here’s how to read the info:

Salary: annual pay

Career advancement score: This is based on the percentage of people who changed jobs within the same company during 2016.

Job Openings (YoY growth): The first number is the current number of jobs open in each position. The YoY growth is the percent change from 2015 to 2016.

Here are the top 10.

To read the top 10, click here: LinkedIn’s Best Jobs for 2017

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2 thoughts on “LinkedIn’s Best Jobs for 2017

  1. Well, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves….

    “One of the most important things a pharmacist does after five or six years of training is make sure you get the correct number of pills in the correct dosage.

    “Now, it seems, robots are better at doing that than people. Even trained pharmacist people. Actually, it’s a perfect job for a robot: a repetitive and mundane task.

    “[‘Automation has led to the ability for us to reinvent ourselves as a profession, and we need to take the challenge.’ Dr. Marilyn Stebbins, UCSF]

    “And artificial intelligence has finally matured to the point where doctors trust robots (with human supervision) to do it. For five years now, the UCSF Medical Center has relied on an automated “robot pharmacy” to fill prescriptions, and a fleet of thousands of autonomous bots to deliver them.

    “Rita Jew, director of the UCSF program, says the robots have worked for five years with 100% accuracy.”

  2. This article is very much helpful and i hope this will be an useful information for the needed one. Keep on updating these kinds of informative things…

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