Sorry for the delay. Evil Marketing Man has been traveling, but I have the winners now. Please send me an e-mail at evilhrlady at gmail dot com with your address (and real name) and our New Yorker Friends will send you your calendar!

Here are the winners:

Charles for the stupid grade inflation policy

Dilletaunt for the policy of calling back Katrina victims every hour

Monkey for her no calendars policy (who thinks this stuff up)

Teri for her brilliant response to the pantyhose policy


Anonymous for the no e-mail Friday Haiku.

Thanks for playing!

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4 thoughts on “And the winners are:

  1. Would you be so kind as to give us the link to the original post so we can read all the entries. I can't remember the name of it or when it ran.

  2. Wow! Thanks Evil. I'm glad that so many years later that stupid grad-inflation policy is finally "paying off."

    I, too, loved Teri's response to the pantyhose policy!

    P.S. My info is coming via my professional email.

  3. Thanks Evil!

    I just received the calendar via UPS. It looks fantastic!

    Thanks again.

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