Dear Evil HR Lady, A young lady I work with is very involved in her church and likes to talk about her beliefs and all the other things that come along with her particular flavor of worship. While I don’t mind her talking about 90% of what she
Dear Evil HR Lady, A young lady I work with is very involved in her church and likes to talk about her beliefs and all the other things that come along with her particular flavor of worship. While I don’t mind her talking about 90% of what she
Dear Evil HR Lady, Our organization has lost several talented people. They are dissatisfied because of disparities in salaries and poor work environment. What should we do? I think you should stop aiming for perfection and go for good enough. Is Perfectionism Killing Your Business Plans?
People text, e-mail, surf the web and even, watch videos (presumably with the sound off) during meetings. So, the question is, if everyone is doing it, should you bring your little SmartPhone… Blackberries, iPhones and Androids: Do SmartPhones Belong in Meetings?
Just because you’ve had a big setback doesn’t mean your career has to be over. Meet seven people who bounced back after making spectacular mistakes, and learn how you can, too.Seven Spectacular Career Comebacks
Dear Evil HR Lady, My immediate manager feels betrayed/jealous because I applied for another position within my company. I just received news that she badmouthed me and lied about my performance when they called to ask about me. One of my coworkers overheard her on the phone, because