How to switch from hourly to salaried work

Dear Evil HR Lady,

I have 30 years of experience in high-tech marketing — all of it “exempt.” I changed career fields to work for a nonprofit. I took the only job I could find, an administrative assistant’s position. It was nonexempt. As soon as a marketing position came open I applied and was advanced to a marketing associate’s position. It is still classified as nonexempt, but I am really functioning in a professional, individual contributor capacity. I write large amounts of content for the organization’s site, facilitate a group of people who do all the social media posting, and edit various grant-making documents. I make $42,000 a year. Can I ask to have my job content reviewed for reclassification to exempt status without causing a major problem for my boss and the foundation at large?

To read the answer click here: How to switch from hourly to salaried work

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11 thoughts on “How to switch from hourly to salaried work

  1. fyi, typo in your hyperlink – should be “switch” not “witch” 🙂

    I was just switched from exempt to non-exempt salaried – a good call on behalf of my employers, imo. I’ve been saying for years that my job didn’t fit the criteria for an exempt employee.

    1. Thank you! Fixed. Although it was a nice typo.

      And I’m glad you got your status changed to reflect reality.

    2. Wait, non-exempt salaried? I thought being non-exempt always meant hourly and vice versa, and that being exempt meant salary, and vice versa.

      1. I, personally, hate the classification of non-exempt salaried. It essentially means that we expect you to work precisely 40 hours per week and therefore your salary never changes.

        Even if you’re a “salaried non-exempt” as soon as you exceed 40 hours work, you must be paid overtime.

        Companies that have this classification are ridiculous, IMHO. Either you’re exempt or you’re not. Finished. End of discussion.

        1. My first job was salaried, non-exempt. It was for a law firm (go figure!). Basically it meant “we expect you to work overtime but we’ll compensate you for it”

        2. Ah, that makes much more sense. Still hourly, but with no variations in hours, and thus pay. The categories for these things are mind boggling…

    1. It’s all about status. Sad, but true. It really can affect how seriously people take you.

      1. Hm. For me, it’s all about the paycheck 🙂 If my company chooses not to take me seriously because I get paid by the hour (all of us below the executive and management levels do, actually) then they’re more than welcome to flush the nearly six figure paycheck I get each year down the drain.

      2. I’m with Dan. Laugh at me behind my back if you want, as long as I am getting paid more than I would as a salaried person. I’m laughing my way to the bank.

  2. You want a real compliance problem? Try salaried non-exempt on a semi-monthly pay schedule! It’s pretty much impossible in CA and few other states. It’s theoretically possible under the FLSA, provided the salary and hours worked “even out” over time –which apparently doesn’t work so well during a leap year. Ugh.

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