Answering the “what is your weakness” question

 Dear Evil HR Lady,

I have an interview next week for a manager position. I am seeking your help answering the question: What is your greatest weakness?

Here are three I’ve identified for myself: 1. I am not good listener (but I am working on it); 2. Sometimes I am tough on my team and drive with tight reins; 3. I am too involved in work — that is my weakness and strength at the same time (a weakness for my family, and a strength for my company).

To read the answer click here: Answering the “what is your weakness” question.

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5 thoughts on “Answering the “what is your weakness” question

  1. I once answered that I have terrible upper body strength. The interviewer burst out laughing. I then explained that every “desk job” I’ve held had a secret heavy lifting component including one where I was expected to move furniture two floors every week to set up for a meeting. I got the job.

    1. Ha! I love it. I have terrible upper body strength too. I have my new answer for that stupid question.

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