How to use Twitter to find a job

Job-hunters will try anything, including Twitter. But despite the odd success story of someone using the micro-blogging site to find work, for many people it still seems like a strange and unintuitive approach. After all, how to write something no longer than 140 characters that makes someone want to hire you? That is far more restrictive than the one-page resume (which isn’t even a real restriction).

Yet Tom Gimbel, CEO of recruiting and staffing firm LaSalle Network, said Twitter is one of the tools that managers use to evaluate not only what a job candidate has to offer, but also the person’s professionalism. Which means that you need to think before you start your Twitter account or, if you already have a feed, tweet (or get a new one if it’s already too late on your present account.)

To keep reading, click here: How to use Twitter to find a job

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