This Kickstarter Solves the Boring Meeting Fidgeting Problem

Meetings are a fact of business life. Sure, a lot of things can be accomplished via email, IM or Slack, but sometimes you have to meet face to face or over video conference. These are good things–face to face can bring a lot of advantages and convey information more clearly than via text message. (After all, you can hear tone of voice and see facial expressions when you can actually see each other.) But, what if you’re a person who is prone to fidgeting?

If you’re that person you’ve been known to tap your pen, doodle on your paper, or bounce your foot up and down, which can sometimes result in accidentally kicking a co-worker. You can buy one of the many fidget toys on the market, but that is obvious and can project an image of unprofessionalism (even though fidgeting can help us remember things we hear. Or, you can get one of these Fidgipens.

To keep reading, click here: This Kickstarter Solves the Boring Meeting Fidgeting Problem

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