Lean Cuisine Learns You Can’t Have It All, but You Can Get Laughed at on Twitter

Lean Cuisine launched a new hashtag campaign: #ItAll. The idea was part of a project they had done, asking women individually what they wanted, and then having them say what they wanted out of life when accompanied by a friend. The results were pretty good–89 percent of the women made more ambitious life choices when they were accompanied by a friend who supported them.

Here are their tweet and video:

So why did Twitter have a field day with them? Well, Twitter tends to have a field day with anyone who so much as breathes on Twitter, but here are some samples:


To keep reading, click here: Lean Cuisine Learns You Can’t Have It All, but You Can Get Laughed at on Twitter

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One thought on “Lean Cuisine Learns You Can’t Have It All, but You Can Get Laughed at on Twitter

  1. But you can also mute any negative comments, so they are preaching to themselves.

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