The Real Problem with Data Privacy Isn’t What You Think

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect next week. Even if you don’t live in Europe or do business officially in Europe, you can find your life affected by these rules. Europe is very concerned about data and privacy and for consumers, that seems to be mostly a good thing.

If you do live or do business in Europe or with Europeans, you’re probably ready, but there’s one thing that can make all this work and all these regulations worthless: your employees.

Last week, Facebook fired an employee who bragged on Tinder about how he had violated privacy protocols to find out information about his intended date. Obviously, his intended love interest didn’t find this impressive and brought it to Facebook’s attention (as she should have.

To keep reading, click here: The Real Problem with Data Privacy Isn’t What You Think

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One thought on “The Real Problem with Data Privacy Isn’t What You Think

  1. With all the technological advances available, this is one area that companies should not be penny-pinching costs.

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