Many schools generally start in the middle of August. Like it or not, parents count on schools to provide not only an education but childcare. As many people learned when schools and daycares closed in the spring, it’s tough to work from home and watch and educate children all at the same time.
And a lot more people found out that when schools and daycares closed but their essential front line jobs didn’t shut down, that child care was critical to any business’s proper functioning.
Right now, school districts are debating the merits of online school, in-person school, or a mix. And employers are sitting on the edge of their seats, wondering what is going to happen with their employees.
To keep reading, click here: Why School Openings Matter to Your Small Business
As Education Secretary Betsy DeVos admitted yesterday, the US doesn’t have a national plan for reopening schools, even while strongly pressuring them to reopen. Each state — really, each school district — is on its own to try to figure out how to handle the fall semester. In my state — Texas — we are a COVID-19 hotspot, with case growth falling, but deaths rising, hospitals in many locations overwhelmed, Personal Protective Equipment in short supply and testing extremely difficult to obtain. My Son was symptomatic and it took almost 2 weeks to get tested and obtain the results (negative, thank God!). Obviously, it’s problematic, when a disease is spreading out of control, to dramatically increase the opportunities to further spread it, by — for example — reopening schools. The guidance from our state has been conflicting and constantly changing, so the school districts keep having to change their plans, and few — if any — have been able to complete major preparations to resume full-time, in-school, instruction. No one yet has been able to come up with a plan for how to — safely — operate the school bus system. All that being said, small employers might need to consider providing on-site day care and/or space where employees’ children can engage in online learning.
In California, for a school to reopen (according to an attorney friend who deals with this every day), they need permission from:
The state board of education
The state board of health
The county board of education
The county board of health
The city board of education
The city board of health
And, of course, the school board.
And the cooperation of the teacher’s union, many of which are using the current situation to push an extremist political agenda (like “defund the police or we refuse to go back to work” – yes, really).
Meanwhile, schools are spending money pretty much as usual, because the state has promised them they will get funding as usual. Except the state doesn’t have the money, and won’t get it, and are assuming the feds will give it to them. Which looks pretty unlikely at this point.
It’s going to be a – or, rather, another – catastrophe.
On-site daycare has a number of advantages if it’s done right, and it wouldn’t take much more in terms of resources to turn that into, effectively, a private school for employee’s kids.