The Problem of Fake Job Postings

There is often conflict between job hunters and recruiters, with both sides believing the other is untrustworthy. As a result, horror stories abound.

There is the person who claims to have used ChatGPT to answer questions in a video interview. Then there is the job posting that included “Only Born US Citizens [White] who are local within 60 miles from Dallas, TX.”

With the former, it’s questionable how much the candidate relied on ChatGPT (after all, wouldn’t the interviewer notice the typing?). With the latter, the company claims it was a former employee who set out to damage the organization’s reputation.

Adding to all the mistrust are “ghost positions” — that is, when a company advertises a job posting and allows people to apply but has no intention of filling the role. The Wall Street Journal reports that in “a survey of over 1,000 hiring managers last summer, 27% reported having job postings up for more than four months.”

To keep reading, click here: The Problem of Fake Job Postings

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