A Huge Holiday Party No-No: Tricking an Employee into Drinking

Does this really need to be said? Yes, it does, because it comes up often. As a non-drinker myself, I’ve had adults try to pressure me into drinking. I even had one woman — at a Girl Scout Retreat, no less, after our girls were all asleep — keep pressuring, to the point I said sharply, “What are you? Twelve?”

And yet, I’ve never had anyone slip alcohol into my drink, which is apparently what happened to this poor employee who posted on Reddit.

To keep reading, click here: A Huge Holiday Party No-No: Tricking an Employee into Drinking

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3 thoughts on “A Huge Holiday Party No-No: Tricking an Employee into Drinking

    1. My theory is narcissists who are incapable of grasping that other people simply do not like the same things as themselves, and the only reason they would ever choose otherwise is that they haven’t had it explained to them properly by their betters.

      That, or drunks who need to make other people drunks to feel less broken.

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