Someone Made a TikTok Attacking My Article on Hush Travel. Here’s How I Responded

Hush travel is quite controversial. Remote workers want to travel and work where the WiFi is. Managers and HR want to know where employees are and forbid employees from working in places where the business could get in legal trouble.

So it was no surprise that my recent article “It’s Time to Make ‘Hush Trips’ a Fireable Offense” ruffled a few feathers. But when popular management TikTokker Robyn L. Garrett came out fighting, I knew I had to act.

She accused me of “propaganda” — on behalf of whom, I’m not sure. The secret corporate overlords who fund my private jet, probably. (Note: I don’t have a private jet, but I’d be happy to produce some propaganda in exchange for one.)

So, with the gauntlet thrown, I did the only thing that made any sense to me:

Invite Garrett for a conversation.

To keep reading, click here: Someone Made a TikTok Attacking My Article on Hush Travel. Here’s How I Responded

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One thought on “Someone Made a TikTok Attacking My Article on Hush Travel. Here’s How I Responded

  1. One of the things, this site has emphasized and educated many readers is the importance of knowing what labor laws are in force in your specific location. I don’t know if there’s a assumption of worker rights or abuse of how WFH activities are done, but assuming that it is okay to change locations, as in taking a vacation to an outside given area, without using PTO, and doing assignments for WFH there is a complete disregard to the labor laws in place based on your specific location. This is the major reason why employers prefer employees to work in person at a workplace than a WFH position—too much uncertainty. There’s clear defined laws for employment in place to protect workers. And it is quite easy to use PTO, if you request to use it so there’s no explanation other selfishness to hide being on vacation, because you want to “save” the PTO in an underhanded to keep your personal lifestyle as a priority over your work life. In other words—not even WFH is going to hinder your personal lifestyle regardless if you’re doing things that don’t protect your worker’s rights and may cause you to be terminated. Why an employee would risk doing this as an assumed right is wrong and definitely should be listed and addressed in the employee handbook.

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