The 24 Worst Business Buzzwords of 2024

“Act your wage” (number 1) while keeping your “balls in the air” (number 2), and you’ll likely set off the “spidey sense” (number 10) of everyone in the room so badly that you won’t be able to complete the “deliverables” (number 6) on your “mission critical” (number 8) project.

If the above sentence made you want to turn into a “lazy girl” (didn’t make the list but totally should have) who takes “quiet vacations” (aka hush trips), or maybe just makes you want to get some “burnout coaching,” relax. You’re normal. A survey of 3,000 people conducted by CareerMinds identified many of these terms as the most annoying business buzzwords of 2024.

So, if you find yourself saying any of these, it might be a good idea to conduct a “paradigm shift” (number 18) of your in-office vocabulary.

The most irritating buzzwords

Here’s the full list of buzzwords from CareerMinds:

To keep reading, click here: The 24 Worst Business Buzzwords of 2024

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