When you’re looking to hire someone new, often the most important consideration is the “fit.” That is, you can train just about anyone with brains and some basic experience in the field to do the job, but you absolutely need someone who fits the company culture.

This is extremely important — having someone who doesn’t get along or share the same ideals with the rest of the group can cause havoc and tension and make life at work just darn uncomfortable.

That said, I think you should hire someone you don’t want to be friends with.

To keep reading click here: Hire someone you hate

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4 thoughts on “Hire someone you hate

  1. I don’t think hate is the right word, because i only hate the lazy, liars and/or cheaters. Someone with a different point of view who isn’t afraid to debate is really what you’re talking about.

  2. You’re right, we do need to look outside our immediate circles and preferences. I’ve seen manager’s opinions change about a person they initially didn’t like once they saw what a great fit they were for the job and company.

    I’d rather have small talk with someone who contributes than vibrant conversation with someone who creates burdens on the team.

  3. From another perspective, the two bosses I had who taught me the most were not people I liked very much, but years on I continue to respect them. One boss was highly paternalistic and worked with his subordinates as a parent would with an errant child. The other was sometimes borderline abusive. Both behaviors offended me, but I swallowed my feelings and carried on. Regardless of their management styles, they invested much time in developing me which I deeply appreciate.

    In over 20 years as a supervisor of manager, I probably enjoyed purely social time after work with subordinates not more than five times. I think it is better for working relations and for the good of the business to not get too close on a personal basis with subordinates.

    Some people believe that for a boss to demonstrate that he or she cares about subordinates, it is good to have a level of encyclopedic knowledge about the personal lives of each of their subordinates, i.e., how many children they have, their interests, etc.. Done insincerely, this only demonstrates the illusion of care and leaves the boss justifiably open to accusations of hypocrisy in the future.

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