5 Ways to Know if You Should Allow Telecommuting

This week is Global Telework week. Over 100,000 people pledged to telecommute for at least part of this week, through an organization called Mobile Work Exchange. Last year, according to Mobile Work Exchange, 71 percent of the organizations that participated saw an increase in productivity during the week and 75 percent of participating individuals said they were able to accomplish more.

To keep reading click here: 5 Ways to Know if You Should Allow Telecommuting

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6 thoughts on “5 Ways to Know if You Should Allow Telecommuting

  1. Re #5 – my company has a webclock, so I have to clock in online anyway. It’s really easy to do it at home through VPN. It’s a nice option to have in case I need to wait for a service person or if I’m not feeling well enough to sit in a cube but still okay to work lying under a blanket (they don’t want you there if you’re feverish anyway). 🙂

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