A good party needs lots of food, alcohol, a great band, and really awesome door prizes, right?
Well, no. Not only are those things expensive, but they aren’t even appreciated by all of your staff. For instance, did you know that you have staff members who would rather stick pins in their eyes than spend a Friday evening with the boss? Even though, you, yourself, are fabulous, it’s still true.
Regardless of whether or not your staff wants a party, they do want the recognition that everyone has worked hard and accomplished a lot. And a holiday party, or end-of-year party, or whatever-you-want-to-call-it party, is a great way to show how much you care about your employees. Here are five ways to have a great holiday party without breaking the bank.
To keep reading so you can plan your fabulous part, click here: How to throw a great holiday party — cheap!
Oh man, I love potlucks. We used to have them at Exjob for Thanksgiving. They really work better if it’s a smaller company, however. Where I work now, over 300 people work in two buildings (and that’s not even the entire company–it has 5000 employees around the country!). You could not possibly have a potluck, though I was invited to another department’s barbecue since I sit near everybody.
The best potluck at Exjob was not long before I left—someone decided we should have Chili Dog Day. I ate so much I couldn’t eat again until ten o’clock at night. 🙂