5 Types of Employees Bosses Hate (and How to Fix the Problem)

Do your employees drive you up the proverbial wall? When you go home, do you inundate your spouse with stories of how awful they are? If so, you’ll probably recognize these employees, and appreciate our solutions on how to fix the problems:

1. Doesn’t respect your time. This employee comes in late every morning and leaves early often. If a meeting starts at 9 a.m., she’ll saunter in, with her coffee at 9:15. She does great work, but everyone is left waiting for her to show up.

To keep reading, click here: 5 Types of Employees Bosses Hate (And How to Fix the Problems)

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One thought on “5 Types of Employees Bosses Hate (and How to Fix the Problem)

  1. Haha i love this! I feel like most managers don’t look into personality traits enough but, this breaks them down and gives great solutions to the problems. Thank you!

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