After you stuffed yourself with turkey and pie yesterday, you may be planning on a day of bargain shopping. Don’t. There is never anything available that makes the hassle worth it, but there are great reasons to head into the office instead. Here are five reasons you should ditch the mall for the office.
1. You can accomplish a ton.
If you want a chance to put your head down and just get things done, today is a great day to do it. While teamwork is great and all that, sometimes you just need to do work. When there’s nobody stopping by your cube, it’s pretty amazing how much you can get done. Since most of your co-workers will take advantage of an extra day off, you can get things done with no interruptions.
To keep reading, click here: Why You Should Work on Black Friday
Completely agree. I love working Black Friday. A few years ago, I got a phone call from executive at my company and he told me that I was the first person to pick up my phone all day. We spent a few minutes chatting about why we love working this day (all of which you mentioned). This was someone I rarely had a chance to talk with so it was a great ice breaker!
Agreed. It’s Black Friday and I’m working. All of the same reasons equally apply to other times when most of one’s co-workers opt to be off, such as the week between Christmas and New Year’s.
“You can accomplish a ton.” Are you sure about this? Right now (Black Friday morning) my two-person office is occupied by myself and my co-worker and four clients – all except me speaking at once in a foreign language (Arabic). Outside our office door is the open lunch area, occupied right now by about 15 people speaking three different languages – all relatively loudly. This is fairly typical and I’ve taught myself to work through it, but there doesn’t seem to be any difference between this Friday and last Friday.
Hmm, I usually, agree with you, Suzanne, but this time I think you’re off base. I’ve never heard of anyone lying on her death bed saying, Gee, I wish I’d worked on Black Friday 2002.
As an alternative to shopping, make a pot of turkey soup, play board games with your uncles, take the kids for a walk, start writing your Christmas cards, knit a Hanukkah gift, read a book, take a nap … but don’t work!
It’s a paid holiday for me, so I’ll take off.
I worked black Friday. I got nothing important done.