Your Managers Think They’re Doing Great. Employees Disagree

Everyone says people don’t leave jobs; they leave managers.

And yet, managers don’t get the feedback they need to improve, according to a new survey from Gallup. As a result, many think they’re doing a better job than they actually are. Here’s what you need to know–and what you can do about it.

Managers and employees don’t see eye-to-eye

Gallup found a disconnect across the board between manager self-perception and employee sentiment:

Manager responsiveness

  • “72 percent of managers say they respond to messages and calls within 24 hours.”

  • “51 percent of employees say their managers respond within 24 hours.”

To keep reading, click here: Your Managers Think They’re Doing Great. Employees Disagree

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One thought on “Your Managers Think They’re Doing Great. Employees Disagree

  1. This article just reinforces what bosses would find if they viewed their company policies in play from the bottom-line employee viewpoint. Most managers today are under the illusion that their titles mean they only issue commands but never evaluate if the result of their orders achieves the end goal they expect. All they see or acknowledge is that they’re the boos don’t argue with them.

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