“As a woman, you have to be less aggressive.” This is an actual phrase from a performance review I reported on in 2022. Two years later, we’re still seeing the same problems.
And I’m not just basing that on anecdotes about others’ reviews. According to a study by the software company Textio, 88 percent of high-performing women receive feedback on their personality during performance reviews — compared to 12 percent of high-performing men.
And when men do receive personality-based feedback, it’s different than the personality feedback women receive. As the study notes:
- 68% of women and 31% of men were described as “collaborative.”
- 36% of women and 21% of men were described as “helpful.”
- 26% of women and 12% of men were described as “nice.”
- 28% of women and 4% of men were described as “opinionated.”
To keep reading, click here: Study: 88 Percent of High-Performing Women Get Critiqued on Their Personalities in Performance Reviews
What would be helpful is knowing the 88% breakdown by sex . The reader is left to presume that the 88% is male dominated. When in fact we don’t know.
Correct. It seems the author had an intent. The a headline would be a lot less drama reading “88% of women get feedback on their personality. In evaluations”
However that’s what the study ACTUALLY reported.
Among that 88% two thirds were described as collaborative ! The audacity!!!!