I had the great honor of being interviewed by Wayne Turmel of the Cranky Middle Manager. The interview is now posted here.

So, pop on over and listen and then tell me what you think. Unless you didn’t like it. Then pretend you are my mother and practice saying, “that was very nice, dear.”

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8 thoughts on “Hear the Evil HR Lady!

  1. You managed to get me to listen to the whole cast.. so that is saying something. You did well.

    The interviewer however laughs at really odd times.

  2. TabithaRuth–just what would evil sound like? (I’ll get you my pretty!)

    She said: Thanks! I’m glad you listened to the whole thing. It was very fun to do.

  3. Peter–

    I’m sorry I had to delete your comment. While it was very funny (and no you aren’t fired, but I am putting a note in your personnel file!), I’m a family friendly blog.

  4. Nice job, Evil! I listened and learned. You really know your stuff.

    (Devoted reader, first time post-er).

  5. Evil HR Lady,

    I thought the podcast was terrific and thanks for mentioning my blog–I felt very honored.

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