15 thoughts on “I think I’ll Throw a Tantrum

  1. Instead of throwing a tantrum, you should smear birthday cake all over your face and play until you drop from exhaustion!

    Happy (blog) Birthday!

  2. Wow, two years of such good advice.

    I started reading you after moving from Brazil to work in the US, and already got a question I submitted answered by you (what to say to interviewers from the same company interested on hiring me as a consultant why I want to leave my current position – due to a terrible manager).

    I feel so much more confident navigating politics and negotiating contracts because of your blog, that I have to thank you for these 2 years of excellent advice. Your insight is highly appreciated!

  3. I think that equates to 14 “blog years” of terrific advice. Still evil after all this time… well done! 😉

  4. Congratulations! Not only for two years of great HR advice, but for being a respected leader in the HR blogosphere.
    And btw, more congrats on your recent Fistful of Talent Talent Management Blog Power Ranking award. Very well deserved.

  5. Happy Birthday and Congrats!

    Your blog has been a great resource. keep up the fantastic work.

  6. Hey, Congrats!

    Btw, I finally got that federal HR job I wrote to you about a really long time ago. Yay for me. 🙂

  7. Wow!! Two years of Evil HR advice?!
    Kudos to you.
    May you continue to spread the evil in this world. 😉

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