When you have a great team, the last thing you want to do is see them go on their way. We talk a lot about recruiting great talent, but when it comes down to it, your recruiting efforts are worthless if your company is a revolving door. You need to retain your top talent in order to make your business grow.
Below are five key ways to create an engaging workplace that allows your star employees to thrive.
1. Encourage internal movement.
When you have a top performer, it’s natural to want to keep him or her in your department. This is totally logical—why would you want to go recruit someone else, just so that the neighboring department could steal your awesome employee?
Unfortunately, the reality is that rising stars want to do just that: rise. If you want to keep top talent in your company, you need to provide opportunities for employees to rotate and experience new types of work.
To keep reading, click here: 5 Ways to Keep Your Star Employees From Walking Away
#5 really stuck out for me, as we have this issue in spades in our office. Our “manager” doesn’t manage, and to make it worse, the whiny slacker is her friend. Morale is pretty low, as you can imagine, and I know at least half the staff is looking for work elsewhere. When confronted about this, our manager refuses to admit that she treats anyone differently, so nothing will change.
No one is as blind as those who will not see.
I never lasted more than five years in a job until my last one. Every time I started interviewing or was a bit restless my supervisor encouraged a new challenge. I was there 15 years.