Why sloppiness is killing your job search

I do edit the letters that come to me. Mostly I shorten them. I try not to change word choice or do something that would take away from the writer’s original voice. I will, generally, clean up small grammar errors, as heaven knows we can’t afford to have editors following us around all the time. (But, boy that would be a great job market for those unemployed English majors.)

I received this email this morning:

in my life ive only had one job. that job was th at i was manager of a small business owned by my parents. does that count as experience. lets say i apply for a job as an hr assistantwould a job working as a manager/cashier for my parents be considered relevant experience.

To keep reading click here: Why sloppiness is killing your job search

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6 thoughts on “Why sloppiness is killing your job search

  1. Thank you for writing this! These kinds of emails and postings make my brain hurt. Most people don’t understand how critical spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization are until they make a mistake that is truly embarrassing.

    Really kids, it doesn’t matter how many Facebook memes you post about how the brain adapts and can read unpunctuated, misspelled paragraphs. It is important. After all, would you rather help your Uncle Jack off a horse or help your uncle jack off a horse?

    1. “After all, would you rather help your Uncle Jack off a horse or help your uncle jack off a horse?”

      LMAO! That’s a GREAT example. And it made my day.

    1. You mean, recruitment company, this is the appropriate blog for anyone who wants to know about gathering samples of reproductive material from non-human mammals?

      Perhaps your spamming software should be updated to understand content just a little bit. Just saying.

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