Think Your Interview Process is Fair? Read This Letter.

What would happen if job candidates treated you the way you treat them? You might be receiving letters such as this one?

Dear Hiring Manager,

Thank you so much for your interest in me for the position of Senior Technical Analyst for your company. Before we commence with the interview, you will need to do the following:

1. Fill out the application, You’ll find it at my website under the “potential employers tab.” It’s critical that you fill out all the fields, including your personal job history as well as the company’s history. Pay special attention to the government investigations tab. If you’ve ever lost a lawsuit or settled one, I need you to list the details.

2. Complete criminal background. Before I decide if I can work for you, I need to know what my potential coworkers have been up to. Please fill out the form and list all felony convictions. Please make special note, if I will be driving with anyone in the firm, I’ll need to see their driver’s history. This can be obtained by contacting your local Department of Motor Vehicles. (DMV)

To keep reading, click here: You Think Your Interview Process is Fair? Read This Letter

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8 thoughts on “Think Your Interview Process is Fair? Read This Letter.

  1. Well done!
    My previous company, the biggest boy on the block, went to an all on-line application & hiring process. The protocol was the same for an entry level line worker as for a 6 figure management or highly skilled position.

    It was a hard lesson learned to change that method up.

  2. Love it! This certainly puts things into perspective. I’d show this to my company’s HR department if I didn’t think it would go over their heads…

  3. Tangential to the topic…I am a licensed engineer in Texas. I just received notice that I must complete a one-time background check as a requirement for renewing my license. All well and good, but how about background checks for newly elected and appointed officials as a requirement for taking office?

  4. I already do a version of this. I use Glassdoor,,, and Google. If I find that less than 50% of your employees approve of your CEO, I probe deeper to find out why. I research to see if the complaints happen in one geographical area or throughout the organization. I dig through news stories to see if your organization (or my potential supervisor) is accused of any crime.

    What blows my mind is that, if I find piles of bad press, companies demand the benefit of the doubt. Their rap sheet could read like Bernie Madoff’s, but they feel like I’m being unreasonable because they are “making changes” to correct that. Has anyone else experienced this?

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