Why Focusing On Safety Can Be Very Dangerous

“Mr. Bennett says he sometimes tracks his lunch treks, noting on his safety card how he will control for every possible threat on the way, from flights of stairs to the busy intersection outside the office.”Is this due to adiagnosed disorder, such as obsessive compulsive disorder, or an anxiety disorder? No. He’s simply following safety protocol as spokesman for Rio Tinto Kennecott Mine, according to the Wall Street Journal.

I’ve visited Kennecott Mine, and it is a fascinating and dangerous place with an intense need for safety protocols.But, when people who work across town, in an office building, have to document daily “safety hazards” such as eating bread, it becomes ridiculous.

To keep reading, click here: Why Focusing On Safety Can Be Very Dangerous

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2 thoughts on “Why Focusing On Safety Can Be Very Dangerous

  1. “You have to assume that the people attending the meeting are smart enough to know where the exits are,”

    I’m now envisioning aIrplane pre-takeoff protocol with HR team members pointing two-fingered at the exits.

  2. Safety is definitely important. You are correct in the article that the process of documenting and measuring can sometimes overtake what really matters… protecting people from real dangers. If the process becomes more important than fixing real issues, the “safety program” and those putting it in place can lose credibility.

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